          鳩山「站著聊」,變「坐著吃」 st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 本來是美國鐵了心,鳩山站著聊,現在鳩山可以「坐著吃」了。 一人會搞慘一國,這就是例證。 美媒評論核峰會:鳩山是最大輸家 ●共同社(2010.04.14) 西裝14日的美國《華盛頓郵報》第三版專欄總結了此次核安全峰會上各國首腦的外交表現。對於未能同美國總統奧巴馬進行正式首腦會談的日本首相鳩山由紀夫,文章奚落道“可憐的鳩山是最大的輸家”。 文章作者是著名 房屋出租的專欄作家阿爾·卡曼。文章稱,駐日美軍普天間機場搬遷問題遲遲不見進展,導致美國政府內部普遍認為鳩山是個“善變者”、“不可信”。 談到日方提出希望舉行正式首腦會談但遭拒絕一事,文章譏諷道“安慰獎是晚宴時的‘非正式’?房屋買賣|談。或許是在主菜和甜品的上菜間隙時進行的吧。” 文章還針對鳩山承諾要在5月解決普天間問題但眼下似乎實現無望的現狀連連質問“由紀夫,你不是美國的盟友嗎?在美國核保護傘下不是節省了好幾十億美元嗎?” 另一方面,評論認為峰會中最大的贏家是在 宜蘭民宿首腦會談中有1個半小時佔據主導地位的中國國家主席胡錦濤,旁邊還配上了奧巴馬與其握手時低頭致意的照片。(完) 《華盛頓郵報》:Among leaders at summit, Hu's first By A 商務中心l Kamen 2010.04.14 …. By far the biggest loser of the extravaganza was the hapless and (in the opinion of some Obama administration officials) increasingly loopy Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama. He reportedly requested but got no bilat. The only consolation prize was 酒店經紀that he got an "unofficial" meeting during Monday night's working dinner. Maybe somewhere between the main course and dessert? A rich man's son, Hatoyama has impressed Obama administration officials with his unreliability on a major issue dividing Japan and the United States : the future of a Mari 開幕活動ne Corps air station in Okinawa . Hatoyama promised Obama twice that he'd solve the issue. According to a long-standing agreement with Japan , the Futenma air base is supposed to be moved to an isolated part of Okinawa . (It now sits in the middle of a city of more than 80,000.) But Hatoyama's party, the Democ 建築設計ratic Party of Japan , said it wanted to reexamine the agreement and to propose a different plan. It is supposed to do that by May. So far, nothing has come in over the transom. Uh, Yukio, you're supposed to be an ally, remember? Saved you countless billions with that expensive U.S. nuclear umbrella? Still buy Toyotas and such? Meanwhile, who d 面膜id give Hatoyama some love at the nuclear summit? Hu did. Yes, China 's president met privately with the Japanese prime minister on Monday. … .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋出租  .

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